Author name: sebastian.hesse

Remove old CloudWatch log groups of Lambda functions

Remaining Old CloudWatch Log Groups of Lambda Functions

Do you recognize this view when looking into your CloudWatch log groups? Each AWS Lambda function has an associated CloudWatch log group. However, there is no cleanup process available as soon as a relationship between a CloudWatch log group and Lambda function expires. In that case it’s necessary to remove these old log groups manually. […]

Remove old CloudWatch log groups of Lambda functions Read More »

Shut down CloudFormation stack resources over night using AWS Lambda


A CloudFormation stack evolves over time and usually costs increase as well. You’ll probably not only have one stack, but instead have at least a production and a development stack. Even one development stack per developer might be common in your organization. This means the total costs increase even more. In order to prevent paying

Shut down CloudFormation stack resources over night using AWS Lambda Read More »

How to reduce your CloudFormation template size


Recently, I came across a limit which I haven’t known before: CloudFormation just allows a maximum size of 51,200 bytes per template. If you have ever reached this limit, you might have encountered this error message: [YOUR_TEMPLATE_CODE] at ‘templateBody’ failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length less than or equal to 51200 So, what

How to reduce your CloudFormation template size Read More »

Starter Projects For AWS Lambda Using NodeJS And Java

Today I want to show you three starter projects for AWS Lambda using CloudFormation and SAM – Serverless Application Model. I always like if I have some boilerplate code and can get started quickly without copying code or project structures from an existing (and mature) project. Therefore I thought it’s good to have them in

Starter Projects For AWS Lambda Using NodeJS And Java Read More »

Fast AWS Lambda Code Updates And Improved Lambda Logs

This year I’ve started working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and most notably AWS Lambda. It’s awesome what Amazon is providing here! It’s cheap, easy to start with when using SAM – Serverless Application Model and easy to integrate with other services. But there are also downsides (which were also discussed a lot on HN). Just to

Fast AWS Lambda Code Updates And Improved Lambda Logs Read More »

5 Things To Consider For Writing A Lambda Function

A few years ago, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched it’s new service AWS Lambda. Since its start the service is generating more and more interest for the whole world of serverless computing. I’ve also started using it this year and today I want to share 5 things with you what I think is important when developing

5 Things To Consider For Writing A Lambda Function Read More »