Serverless Sending and Receiving E-Mails, the CDK Way

Serverless sending and receiving e-mails using AWS is not fun in my opinion. AWS offers Simple Email Service (SES) to achieve this. But the UI and also Infrastructure as Code (IaC) support is lacking. You often need to manually change settings which is error prone. When I recently built another landing page for myself, I

Serverless Sending and Receiving E-Mails, the CDK Way Read More »

5 Ways To Bundle a Lambda Function Within an AWS CDK Construct


Have you ever tried to publish a CDK construct that was using a Lambda function, for example to create a custom resource or provide a REST API endpoint? It’s relatively easy to publish your construct if your Lambda function is just using the AWS SDK. But it gets more complicated as soon as other dependencies

5 Ways To Bundle a Lambda Function Within an AWS CDK Construct Read More »